And this is the worst part - the way she has manipulated and retraumatized so many survivors. I've seen so many women say they feel angry and betrayed that she played them. Yes, you're right - victims don't remember everything all at once or in the right order. With me I had never talked about it before and I kept remembering things while I was talking. Even my own family thought I was making things up (not for long and mostly because when you talk about a crazy person, you sound crazy.)
But fleshing out details and adding context is not the not the same thing as changing your story every time you're met with skepticism until you come up something people are willing to believe.
I'm sorry for your pain. I know so many people want to believe her because they want to support women. So do I. So many are now invested in believing her. They internalize what's happening as if it were happening to them, thinking about how they would feel.
But this is not that. If she really was a survivor, we'd be supporting her too. But she isn't. I used to think she was a deeply disturbed woman being manipulated and exploited for political purposes. But when I learned that she might have sent innocent people to prison under false pretenses, I understood she's a really bad person who has done a terrible thing that we will all suffer for.
I don't care about the checks and the horse and Putin, I'm only concerned with her allegations against Joe Biden. Her "corroborators" admit they didn't remember until she recently called to remind them, and her story has unraveled to the point it is unrecognizable and still has many blatant falsehoods. This is not "he said, she said." This is "he said, she said twenty different things that we now know are not true."
So many survivors are reliving their own fears and experiences with not being believed, and Tara is exploiting that. And like I said, that's tragic.
I hope in time you will come to see the situation for what it is . I hope that will give you some peace. And I hope by the time November rolls around you will be as proud to vote for Joe Biden as I am.