Senator Shelby is Retiring

Richard Shelby’s gifts as a politician are under-appreciated outside of Alabama, but we recognize the legend he his.

Sally Albright
3 min readFeb 9, 2021

Richard Shelby is the fourth GOP Senator to announce their retirement. It is highly unusual for someone to announce this early and serve a full a Congressional term as a lame duck. It wouldn’t surprise me if this were about voting against Trump.

It is highly unusual for someone to announce this early and serve a full a Congressional term as a lame duck. It wouldn’t surprise me if this were about voting against Trump.

Shelby was my first boss after college. I didn’t agree with a lot of his politics but my home state did, and that’s what matters.

I took a job on the House side long before he switched parties — the day after Election Day, 1994 — but I respect his decision. It was best for Alabama. Why stay in the minority party when it was no longer a good fit anyway?

Shelby’s gifts as a politician are under appreciated outside of Alabama, but we recognize the legend he his. And he works hard at it. Shelby remembers one thing about everyone he meets. I told him something when I was a young teenager and for years he brought it up every time I saw him. Pretty neat trick.



Sally Albright

Comms Strategist, Organizer, Voter Advocate, Rock&Roll Girl. Unprofessional Writer. Don’t be alarmed if I mistake you for a hat.